Tuesday, July 22, 2014

A final thought.

Just as a final thought,
 This romantic legend of NO8DO is in the heart of all Sevillian's, I believe. But what of those that come in hopes of a new life? Those that were not born into this warm and welcoming haven? It is a thing to have great patriotism and feel that you are loved, safe and cared for as King Alfonso X did for his citizens all those years ago. But this image shows a different story. One of a Cuban immigrant that came for a better life but does not see NO8DO as others. This city is his anchor. He loves her for the freedom she has given, for the opportunity to raise his family. But she keeps him from his home, his past and his family left behind.

But where else?

While many of the NO8DO symbols are found on city property, I did notice that there were some variations on the logo and it was not always used in city property. This to me shows the true patriotic nature of Sevilla people as they incorporate it into company logos, tile works, names of stores, plaques and some churches. This deep patriotism is so profound and inspiring to me. It is definitely a perspective that I can relate to as myself as a Canadian, wear a maple leaf quite proudly.

This is the name on the side of a building. A street name or a family name? Not sure.

 This logo was found on a church. I assume this church was of great importance to be one of the few I have seen with the NO8DO on it.
 This is a little harder to see as the picture was taken at night. But, the logo is there and this is a plaque on a building close to Las Setas.
Now this one when we see how the logo is used by a designer to incorporate the logo into an advertisement.

 Here also we see the skein used to connect the people of Sevilla with a familiar image. This is not the full NO8DO but it is almost like hearing an ad and music softly playing in the background.
 I find this one quite interesting and maybe it is a stretch, but I do see the similarities with the skein again and the "S" of the store name.
 Both of these images do the same thing by using the skein as a connection and a logo for their companies. However, these companies are connected to the city and it is expected that they would carry this logo.,

 This is my favorite so far of a graphic designer using the skein is a logo for an event in Sevilla. This is a city park that is having its 100th anniversary. This park is of great importance to the city and is used by many citizens and tourists every day.

I spy....in the city.

A plaque in a plaza.

Where have I seen all these lovely logos? Well, really everywhere. But I have noticed a pattern of being mostly connected to city owned property or companies. For example, All of these are found connected to city signs, city maintenance, transport, licenses and kiosks.

On a license in Bar Alfalfa.
On the side of a main avenue. 

Seen on the side of a street.

On a plaza sign close to Las Setas.
Man hole cover.
Seen on the way to Triana.
Street sign.
Bike rental stand.

City vehicle.
Seen in a museum on caution tape.

Man hole cover.


Man hole cover.

Water pipe cover.
City electrical box.

City pipe/access plate.
Some electrical box or access box.

Ticket machine at streetcar station.

Man hole cover.